The Unknown Reality

Look, now I am going to say something that very few people will understand. But even if you don't understand, still read it and absorb it deeply. I am not saying anything false; I am telling the truth, and you will see it in my words. Let's start from the most basic level.

The Most Complex Development in Human Existence

What is the most complex thing that has developed in human existence? It is our intelligence, our level of intellect. What is intellect? It's thought. We have developed very well at the level of thought. We are not as simple as animals. Animals don't have the understanding of right and wrong, but humans do. We can decide, we can choose what to do and what not to do. We know what is wrong and what is right, understand?

But this level of intellect has grown so much, this intelligence has developed so much at the level of thought that we are all entangled in it. We have become stuck in the world of thought. We are not able to understand the reality of thought, that thought is meant to update us for improvement. Understand, whatever is going on in your mind, that's not you. Let's now discover what you truly are, and we will start this from the basic level.

Energy Forms and the Universe

The form of energy from which I am made is the same form of energy from which you are made. The same form of energy created this entire universe. The air is made from the same form of energy, and everything present here is created from that same form of energy. In our Hindu scriptures, particularly the Upanishads, which are considered the end of spirituality, this same concept is explained. The world is an illusion. What we see is a delusion.

Why is it being said? Look, we are operating at the level of thought. What is thought? Words and feelings, right? That's what thought is. So, when we are operating at this level, it means we are only able to see things related to our survival.

The Reality of Thought

The actual reality of thought is very hard to grasp, and only a few will be able to see it. Thought is made for survival. Thought, in its essence, was created for our improvement. Once your survival is taken care of—let's say you have no worries about food and drink—what will you do next? Here's where the biggest difference shows up. If your survival is secured and you are still wandering aimlessly, it means you haven't understood the reality of thought.

The Limitation of Thought

Thought operates only to a certain level. It's meant for survival, for taking care of your basic needs like food and shelter. Once you understand what's right and wrong, you can take care of yourself without harming others. At this level, you will start to grasp the reality of thought.

If you want to rise above even peace of mind, because peace of mind is still about thought—what is mind after all? It's just a cycle of thoughts. And what is thought? Just a piece of information. So, something that is created for survival, don't try to elevate it beyond that. Don't think about making your mind peaceful, because why try to calm something that you are not? Understand, if you are not the mind, then why bother trying to bring peace to it?

Understanding Who You Are

What you truly are is neither peaceful nor troubled. You are nothing. This state of nothingness is what I am talking about, and this is what you are. Now, what are you in reality? It's like when you are in the deepest sleep, the kind of sleep where there are no dreams. You love that kind of sleep, right? If I say that sleep will be taken away from you, would you be able to live without it? No, you wouldn’t. Everyone loves that deep, dreamless sleep.

In that deep sleep, when there are no dreams, you are what you truly are. There is no thought like "I need peace" or "I need success" or "I need to deal with this or that." No thought is operating, yet you exist, right? In that moment, you are still there. That's why you need to understand that what you truly are is far removed from all these thoughts in your mind and all the talk that people do.

Few Will Understand This Reality

Very few people will understand what I am saying because very few have reached this reality. It’s not that I have completely reached it myself, but I am in the process of discovering it, learning it, and sharing it with you as it is.

What does this mean? It means that what we see is an illusion. It's said that this is an illusion because it's only operating at the level of thought. We need thoughts for survival—ensure your survival, make sure there's no worry about food and drink—and then don't get entangled in other things, because they will trouble you.

If you're running to make your mind happy, the mind will never be satisfied. If you're running to control your sadness, the mind will never stop being sad. Understand, only the one who realizes that they are not the mind, who questions why they are doing all this, will truly reach their own reality. Only then will they fully realize their self, and only then will they be able to move beyond this and see the center point of all existence and live with it.

For now, this is enough. We will talk more about this later. Thank you.

Techy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ART
Techy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ART