What's happening is that, without paying attention to what is important, we're letting our minds wander towards things that aren't necessary. So, how do we keep our focus only on those things that are most important to us at this moment?

What's happening is that, without paying attention to what is important, we're letting our minds wander towards things that aren't necessary. So, how do we keep our focus only on those things that are most important to us at this moment?

Look, in life, many times our minds are clear, meaning we understand, right? We know what we need to do in a particular situation, and we know where to direct our focus. But still, there are some things that distract us. These are basically distractions. It's not wrong for those things to exist; for example, let me explain with an example. Say you're studying, right? And if you keep getting notifications on your phone, your attention will keep shifting to those notifications. It's not that the notifications are wrong; they'll still be there. The problem is how do we focus our attention only on what we're doing? So, how can we ensure that our focus is solely on the task at hand, so that our entire focus is on it? It's all about practice, but we also need to deepen our understanding so that we can look at things more profoundly.

I wasn't trying to define things clearly in my mind. The worst thing is that even in our minds, everything is in disorder, meaning everything is messed up. We haven't exactly defined in our minds what the limitations are for each thing, and what those things mean to us. Like when I'm outside, I've already decided that I'll act a certain way when I'm with friends. So, I'll fully engage in their mood, just for fun, you know? Are you understanding now? When we define things according to their rules, that aspect of things serves a role in our lives, you understand, right? In the same way, we'll add and act in that manner. But right now, everything is in disorder. Everything is messed up. Your mind keeps diverting, running here and there. When it's time for work, you're thinking about your friends, and when you're with your friends, you're thinking about work. That's when things are out of order. When you manage things properly in your mind, you'll understand everything clearly. I'm telling you the truth; you're very clear in your mind. It's a big advantage to say, "I don't know anything" or "I don't know" – that attitude, basically. What I'm talking about is that we know ourselves very well. You know yourself very well; I know myself very well. So, we know very well about ourselves. But the problem is that we never sit down to guide ourselves. Look at your thoughts and see in which direction they're going – direct them in the right direction. That's where the problem lies.

When it's someone else's turn, our ideas flow very quickly. We can quickly say what to do, what not to do. But when it comes to ourselves, we get lost in thought about how to handle ourselves. Actually, we don't even think; that's when you've messed things up, meaning, right now, if you're understanding what I'm saying, you're kind of understanding. Your understanding is dipping, and you're not seeing clearly. So, when there's nothing else, just sit for a few minutes and try to see what's going on in your mind, so that you can understand where you are right now, you know? In the language of science, I'm telling you that knowing the current state of something is important for changing it. Only then will we know how to change it and where to take it. You'll understand your thoughts then – what they mean, you know? Only then will you be able to change them. For example, what's the wrong thinking here? Like, what's wrong is that your family's financial condition isn't good, right? Let's assume it's not actually. So, take my words more seriously, because if your financial condition isn't good, then taking it more seriously is necessary. The financial condition isn't good, right? So, now you know what's necessary for you – survival mode, meaning if you want to live in this world, you don't have any other option. Just think about it – there's only one option; it might sound tough to hear, but there's no other option. You have to think about it, right? Just like oxygen is necessary for breathing, money is necessary for surviving in this world. So, don't ever say to yourself that money isn't necessary. You'll understand these things when you've risen above the money stage, you know, when you've reached a level above it. Right now, if you don't have money, then for you, right now, money is the ultimate thing. Nothing else, okay? When you don't have money, then things get messed up. That's why I told you there's no other option but to survive. The biggest point here is that you shouldn't get involved in the race to earn money. If you understand what I'm saying, sir, you'll understand that you'll be able to change your focus yourself; it'll go there automatically. You know what's most important for you.

Thank you.

Techy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ART
Techy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ART