Whatever is most important is how to stick to one's mind, meaning how to stick with one question so that we can come up with its solution in different ways.

Whatever is most important is how to stick to one's mind, meaning how to stick with one question so that we can come up with its solution in different ways.

We need to understand that whatever is most important should be given top priority because nowadays there is no shortage of distractions. Every 5 minutes something will happen or something will come up that kind of distracts, but the point is, if we know what is actually important for us, mind mapping helps in such situations. That means deciding beforehand what is actually important and understanding why it is important. For example, if you are particularly interested in a field, such as if you have liked designing since childhood, then you have placed designing at the center of your life, in your career. Any decision you make revolves around designing, so your strength in designing will be at the top of your mind. Now, what has become important here is designing. Now, if there is something you don't want to do, like if you don't want to do accounting, then it is fixed here that you know what you want to do and what you don't. Here, what you need to do is designing, and what you don't need to do, whatever you need to do and what you don't, these two things are clear to you because you have realized what is actually important for you. So, that issue is resolved. But in some cases, things still bother us, yet we need to look at them on a daily basis. It's all a game of practice; you have to prepare yourself for everything.

I'm saying this with complete honesty based on my experience; you have to prepare yourself for where the battle is, on a daily basis. I mean, every day there is a struggle going on, whether we admit it or not. Everyone wants something from us, everyone wants to sell us something, everyone is against us in a way, seeing how we are dealing with life's problems. Because if we live with the thought that problems will end one day and keep postponing things, then it will never happen in life. Things that were there will remain and will continue. So, it depends on us how we are fighting because the fight will continue. Personally, based on my experience, I still explain to people today what it means to understand a lot, what it means to spend time with oneself. The more time you spend with yourself, the better you will understand your thoughts, your thinking pattern, only then you will be able to direct them. Understand, without knowing something, you cannot give it direction, so spend time with it, I mean, sit with yourself without any distractions, without any mobile, without any object, see where your mind is right now and give it direction, explain to it what is important in Excel and keep everything else aside, everything from the world, keep everything aside and focus on what is most important right now according to the situation, like right now, your career is the most focused, so understand that your goal is to reach the peak of your career, and after that, slowly you will understand that there are other things to explore in different ways. 

Thank you.

Techy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ART
Techy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ART