If you are a teenager, please don't forget these things, or else you might lose out on a good life.

If you are a teenager, please don't forget these things, or else you might lose out on a good life.

Look, try to understand that everything, including our body, depends on several factors. As we age, our body acts accordingly, and our mindset plays a significant role. If you can understand what I am about to say, it will be beneficial for you. Listen, a person can correct themselves in two ways: either by rectifying their mistake before making it or by correcting it after it has happened. If you are a teenager now, the things I am about to tell you are crucial to understand. Just follow along with me as I point them out one by one.

Firstly, let's talk about the attraction to the opposite sex. During this age, we undergo hormonal changes. You could say it's a need of the body. If we don't address this need, it becomes a basic necessity. Just like water is essential for our body to function, certain desires are essential for our biology. The desire to be with someone is a part of this. During this time, you might feel a strong attraction towards having a girlfriend or boyfriend. Understand that this desire stems from within your body.

Secondly, your conditioning during this time makes you feel like you are alone, even though you have people around you. At this age, your maturity hasn't fully developed, so you might feel like you can't be alone. If you have read my other blogs, you know that you can't truly be alone. Understand this truth: everything is connected. 

When you feel lonely, you try to fill the void with something. You have two options: either fill it with things that provide short-term pleasure but are harmful in the long run, or endure some discomfort now for long-term happiness. For instance, you might find girls attractive and pleasing now, but later on, it could lead to suffering, especially if you don't have money. The best thing you can do at this age is to prioritize yourself, your work, and your financial stability. Everything else can come later. Without money, nothing else can be properly managed. 

Thank you.

Techy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ART
Techy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ART