Don't Emotionally Attach Yourself To Everyone Because Everyone Will Change One Day

Depending on someone to share your thoughts with, if there is someone, that means there is someone whom you want to share something with, then this is the biggest red flag of your sorrow, because everyone's change is inevitable one day.

Don't emotionally attach yourself to everyone because everyone will change one day.


Don't emotionally attach yourself to everyone because everyone is bound to change one way or another. See, I'm saying this very thoughtfully. Change is a big part of nature, meaning everyone changes no matter how much you try to connect with them. So why invest so much emotionally in someone that if they don't respond the way you expect, you'll feel hurt? I've talked about this before several times but in simple words, emotionally means that you're dependent on someone, you want to share your thoughts with them, you want to tell them everything that's bothering you, but will doing this actually solve your problem and make it better? Basically, it will only worsen because sometimes problems that are discussed over the phone make us even more afraid. So it's not about fearing them, it's about why you're depending on someone, why you're dependent on someone to share your thoughts, when thoughts are not real. Why not accept that the other person may not come and talk to you? Let them live their life, as much as you stay alone, your personal growth will be faster and stronger. I'm saying this after deeply understanding these things. The more you stay alone, the faster you'll understand yourself. But your mindset should be right. If you're still thinking alone that there's no one with you, then you'll say that you're broken without them, but if you're alone and you're thinking that I'm enough for myself, at least you're trying to understand who you really are. Here it needs to be understood that you have to leave behind the childishness because there is no value in it. Always think long-term about life, if talking now can solve things later on, understand? Think about what I am saying.

Don't be foolish.

Do you sometimes unknowingly make yourself foolish, and you don't even realize what being foolish means? That you expect the other person to talk to you, so why would they talk to you and why would you talk to them? I'm asking you, why can't you let yourself and the other person be free and say to them, 'Do whatever you want, you have absolute freedom.' What does absolute freedom mean? It means you have actually understood the ground reality of who they are and who I am. When you answer fundamental things as they are, then you become free, understand? Like when you become free from your thoughts, when you can become free from your thoughts, you don't have any thought in your mind to talk to the other person. Therefore, stop making yourself foolish first. When you stop making yourself foolish, then you will understand where you actually are and what you are doing in the long run.

Think in the long term.

If you don't talk now, it might be better in the future, like if you invest your time wisely instead of wasting it on coming, do something constructive now, something that has actual value for you and for others too, something you want to add value to, something you want to contribute to, or basically you want your own self-growth, right? Do you want to do something, give something back to this world because this world has given me so much? If you see, now I ask you, have you got a lot in your life? Yes or no? If you have got it, then it is not your right, it becomes your responsibility that you also come back to the world. Come back to life, do something. It means do something constructive, do something that is valuable in action. Basically, it's all about where you have kept your attention. Wherever you focus the most, you'll comment on it accordingly, so you have to decide whether something is important for you to do in this life or not. Your attention will not go to waste in unnecessary places. I have observed one thing deeply, understood it physically and chatted about it, so I have written a book for it, which is absolutely free on my website. You can go and read it. Thank you.

Techy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ART
Techy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ARTTechy Pranav PKD ART