Create Yourself That Everyone Likes

Create yourself that everyone likes.

See, it's difficult to be like Italy, meaning not everyone will like you, but there's a good chance that if we respect others, they'll respect us in return. Even then, it's a win-win situation. Sometimes our ego gets in the way, making us think twice before showing respect, but when we do, we're essentially respecting ourselves. Each individual is different, with unique qualities and perspectives, but when we show respect, it's like giving a vote of confidence. Whether it's complimenting someone's skills or qualities, when we show appreciation, we're essentially giving respect. Our ego sometimes stops us from giving respect because we just want to receive it, but the day we get used to giving, we'll also learn to receive. Kindness, honesty, and politeness can melt even the coldest hearts. Even if someone dislikes you, treating them with kindness can make them feel compelled to respond in the same manner. Keep your own ego in check, and learn to appreciate others. Don't label people as good or bad based on your interactions with them. Remember, everyone is the same at their core, and love is the only thing that remains when you strip away everything else. Hatred can't exist when there's love. So, how can you hate someone when they're just acting based on what's in their mind, just like you are? Now that you understand, behave with kindness, love, and understanding. Thank you.

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