Between Working Hard And Working Smart, Which One Of The Two Should A Person Focus On Mostly?

See, when you actually do smart work, you don't feel like you're doing hard work. Most people have misunderstood the concept of hard work. They think that you shouldn't do hard work, but that's not true. The meaning of smart work is precisely this: thinking differently, and the meaning of hard work is to take actions related to it, to try, to make an effort.

Between working hard and working smart, which one of the two should a person focus on mostly?


This person should focus more on which thing, hard work or smart work? Because if we actually look deep into it, both are very important. Doing smart work while doing hard work is essential. But the question is, what should we focus on the most? Because whatever we focus on the most will develop more skills for us. For example, if you focus more on hard work, you're putting in effort. If you focus on smart work, you're trying to find different paths that aren't apparent and are more efficient for you. Let's understand from a very basic and fundamental perspective what smart work means.

Smart Work:

Smart work is all about planning strategies and thinking differently, working on things in a way that you're trying to find a method that no one has tried before. It means you're breaking down your thoughts into different arrows. Smart means you're trying to pre-plan what will happen if you do something, so understanding smart work means you're doing something different. The biggest misconception people have about smart work is that it's all about hard work. You still have to work hard in everything, meaning you're trying to work on it. Basically, you have to move your hands and legs. Tell me, does everything happen just by thinking? I'm asking you, if you don't work hard, will anything happen? No, you have to put in effort, like if you have to go somewhere from your house, you have to make an effort for that, meaning you have to move your body. You have to work with your hands and legs; that's what hard work is about. Hard work doesn't mean you don't work hard; it means you work hard smartly. If you work hard smartly, it won't feel like hard work.

Tell me, what is something you can do where you're interested and feel good about it, so you won't have to put in a lot of effort to use it? Because you have an interest in it, it genuinely feels good to do that work for you. So, the misconception people have created about hard work versus smart work is that smart work means you're not working hard. Smart work means that when you plan and strategize, it will still require hard work; you'll have to mentally pressure yourself. You'll have to think differently than others. So, it's all about how you're turning hard work into smart work. Because the whole game is about thinking and working hard. Whether you're thinking or working hard, it means you're moving your body. Whenever you're not doing anything, nothing will happen. It's essential to figure out how to reach your destination. So, it's necessary to make an effort to see some results. The bigger the effort, the bigger the result.

Finally, how can you break free from this thinking and what people think about you? I've written a blog about it; you can read it, 'How Can I Stop Worrying About What Other People Think?'.  and you can also follow me on Instagram, where I regularly post self-help content like this. @blogs.anubhavauthor. 

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