Develop Clear Direction Thinking in Your Life | Anubhavauthor
Welcome to Clear Direction Thinking Blog
Welcome to Clear Direction Thinking Blog

We all know to think practically, it's a good way of thinking, but how do we think like this? Let us understand the meaning.
With Anubhavauthor.
Develop clear direction thinking in your life.
Let's first understand what a clear direction is. It's when we can comprehend things and situations in a way that maximizes benefits. By understanding what is right and what is wrong, I mean that when I say something is right, it means understanding the benefits, not just financially, but in every aspect, including psychological and physical well-being. Additionally, consider the potential benefits or losses for the other person involved. Keep in mind that this is just one perspective. Always remember this within yourself, internalize it, that different viewpoints can exist to perceive a single thing, and none of those perspectives is inherently right or wrong. It depends on the situation.
By saying "Clearly think," what I mean is to predict the outcome of your actions clearly and with calculation, based on probability. Before taking any action, measure it clearly, consider what might happen if you don't take it, and what could happen if you do. Evaluate the potential outcomes. In this way, I am suggesting that you thoroughly assess the situation, weighing the possibilities. Make your decisions based on a holistic view.
This, in my opinion, is the best approach for decision-making in my case. Take any action, and calculate the probability of its outcomes. Understand what could go wrong if you don't take that action and what could go well if you do. It means looking at the whole picture, predicting the possibilities of its occurrence or non-occurrence, and moving forward with a well-thought-out plan. When I say "clearly think," it means you are making an effort to understand the whole picture and predict the likelihood of events. Also, make sure to have a backup plan.
However, having a backup plan doesn't mean just thinking about what you'll do if things don't go as planned. Instead, it's about clearly understanding the situation. For example, if you add 2 to 2, the result will always be 4. This is a certainty that cannot be changed. Similarly, when you understand what you are doing and what will result from it, it becomes a matter of probability. It all depends on your personality.
I also have a method that I always follow, which I will share in future blogs.
Thank you.
If you have a problem that you've been struggling with or something you can't seem to understand, feel free to email me at In my next blog, I'll try to view and understand that problem from my perspective, suggesting what I might do if I were in your shoes, providing you with an additional viewpoint.
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