Career Clarity: Deepen Your Understanding & Design a Fulfilling Work Path
Obtaining Career Clarity can be achieved through deep understanding because understanding is what sets humans apart from animals. In today's times, people have made clarity unclear. But when it comes to careers, we need to be even clearer. Because in life, there are only a few major decisions, such as marriage, career, etc. So, since these things are the foundation of our lives, we should enhance our life's foundation. Then our life will become very beautiful.
Career Clarity: Deepen Your Understanding & Design a Fulfilling Work Path
First, let's obtain this clarity. After all, what is clarity? You see, to understand clarity, we first need to understand the facts. Because facts have a direct connection with reality. Reality means what can never be questioned. Like the clothes you're wearing, can you say they're bottles? No, right? Reality means what is true without any doubt. Now, let's understand facts; facts are things that are not different from reality, like 2 + 2 = 4. You can't question this, right? Similarly, clarity is when you look at things as facts or reality. That's what clarity is.
You see, don't think that I'm trying to explain something to you; I'm just sharing or expressing my thoughts. Like I explained in detail in a chapter of my book "The Self-Help Book That Actually Helps". About how to think clearly. I've also written a blog about it. "How To Think Clearly." In it, I talked about the same thing. That when we put aside some beliefs we've made and think based on facts and reality, there's a higher chance of long-term benefit. Because when major decisions come up, some decisions in life that are very big, in my opinion, we should make them by thinking carefully based on facts and reality. That's where wisdom lies. And when it comes to careers, we shouldn't talk without considering reality. See, there's another way. Like right now, as I'm writing, I'm seeing something new. Like when you know exactly what you'll achieve in your career. Like when you've taken your car out of your house and you know your exact direction and also know the alternative routes. Not just one, but 10 alternative routes. There, there's no chance of missing clarity. But it's also important to first know about the car.
Whether you want to become an entrepreneur or go for a big job position, having clarity in your mind is the most important. This won't happen suddenly. You have to train your mind in this way. You have to give your thoughts a direction. A clear and right direction. Now, what is right, let's understand this. Right is from your standpoint. Everyone's perspective is different. So, there's no clear definition of right. But know this, what is right for you in the long term. And where both you and others benefit without harming anyone. That will be called 'right'. Similarly, think about your career. It should be a right path, meaning, it should benefit you in the long term, and no harm should come to others. In fact, they should also benefit.
Now let's talk about How to Deepen Your Understanding & Design a Fulfilling Work Path. A simple way to deepen your understanding is to observe your thoughts. When you start looking at things very carefully, without thinking, it becomes a different topic. I'll write about it some other time. Right now, let's focus on careers.
Ask yourself these 3 questions for your Career Clarity.
#1. My Strengths
#2. Where I am Right Now and Where I Want to Go. Only mine. Not based on desires. But based on my reality. What is really right for me now. Where am I right now.
#3. How well do I understand myself.
#1. See, when I say that you are already good at something, I mean your screen is set, meaning, you already knew what you were good at from the beginning. So when you understand yourself, you also know what you are good at, like you liked selling something since childhood. You used to do it sometimes in childhood. So, your interest was there since childhood. So when you think about your future related to what you were good at from childhood, it will be very good. When you think about doing something related to what you were already good at, it feels very good to think about that. So when you think about doing something related to what you were good at from childhood, it will be very good.
#2. See, when I say where you are right now and where you're going, I mean it's not based on desires, that you want a lot but don't want to do anything. And it should be based on where you are actually in reality and what is actually possible. Now when you start acting according to reality, you actually start moving forward. So according to me, that's the best way because you answer based on reality, meaning, based on truth, you move forward, then according to me, that's the best way to move forward on your career path.
#3. Understanding yourself, there are different aspects of this kind of things, meaning, understand every human being here because the form of energy with which I am made, you are also made of that energy, the same energy with which I am made, this whole universe is made, meaning, you and I are not different in energy, just the information in our mind is different. Because the energy I am made of, you are also made of that energy, so there is no difference between me and you, everything is connected, because we work in such a small life, we work, we live, but when seen from a perspective, we are everything, meaning, the potential of being human is limitless, meaning, there is no barrier to how far you can take yourself. So my point is, if you want to set a goal, do it by understanding yourself from inside out, meaning, by understanding yourself completely.
When you choose your career, don't look at it as a different part of your life. It is your life, meaning, what is work basically? Work is basically what we do in our entire life, so according to me, define your work in the same way, in which you also have interest, which you also like, which you don't feel bored with, so that you can earn money and also achieve every single thing in your life, meaning, think about it carefully, sit comfortably and understand yourself completely, and observe your thoughts completely, what is the right thing to do with complete calculation, take every decision related to your career. I hope this will definitely help you achieve career clarity.